The K–12 Computer Science Framework is endorsed by the following stakeholders in the education, research, and business communities. View the statement of support.

Education Organizations

- Owen Astrachan, Professor of the Practice of Computer Science, Duke University
- Alicia Beth, Manager, UTeach Computer Science, University of Texas, Austin
- Miles Berry, Principal Lecturer & Subject Leader for Computing Education, University of Roehampton, UK
- Rosa Bottino, Director, Italian National Research Council, Institute for Educational Technology
- Duncan A. Buell, Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of South Carolina
- Quinn Burke, Assistant Professor, Department of Teacher Education, College of Charleston
- Margaret Burnett, Distinguished Professor, Oregon State University
- Jill Denner, Senior Research Scientist, ETR Associates
- Marie desJardins, Professor, College of Engineering and Information Technology, University of Maryland
- Brian Dorn, Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Community Chair of STEM, University of Nebraska at Omaha
- Kathi Fisler, Professor of Computer Science, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
- Joanna Goode, Associate Professor of Education, University of Oregon
- Jean Gourd, Program Chair of Computer Science, Louisiana Tech University
- Jeff Gray, Professor Department of Computer Science, University of Alabama
- Shuchi Grover, Research Scientist, SRI International’s Center for Technology in Learning
- Helen Hu, Professor of Computer Science, Westminster College
- Maggie Johnson, Director of Education and University Relations, Google
- Simon Peyton Jones, Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research, UK
- Richard Ladner, Professor in Computer Science and Engineering, University of Washington
- Ed Lazowska, Bill & Melinda Gates Chair in Computer Science and Engineering, University of Washington
- Harry Roy Lewis, Gordon McKay Professor of Computer Science and the Director of Undergraduate Studies in Computer Science, Harvard University
- Debbie Marcus, Executive Director of Computer Science Education, New York City Department of Education
- Fred G. Martin, Professor, Computer Science Director of Student Success, College of Sciences, University of Massachusetts Lowell; CSTA Board Chair-Elect
- Mark Nelson, Executive Director, Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA)
- Tammy Pirmann, Adjunct Professor, Temple University; CSTA Board member
- Dave Reed, Creighton University, CSTA Board Chair
- Robert Runcie,Superintendent, Broward County Public Schools
- Mihaela Sabin, Associate Professor of Computer Science, University of New Hampshire
- Mehran Sahami, Professor of Computer Science & Associate Chair for Education and Director of Educational Affairs, Stanford University; ACM Steering Committee Chair
- Deborah Seehorn, CSTA Past-Board Chair
- Andreas Stefik, Assistant Professor of Computer Science, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
- Chris Stephenson, Head of Computer Science Education Programs, Google
- R. Benjamin (Ben) Shapiro, Assistant Professor in the ATLAS Institute and the Department of Computer Science, University of Colorado Boulder
- Chinma Uche, Teacher, Academy of Aerospace and Engineering and the Greater Hartford Academy of Math and Science; CSTA Board Member
- Aman Yadav, Associate Professor of Educational Psychology and Educational Technology, Michigan State University; CSTA Board Member